This year I am concentrating on capturing the wildness of landscapes. From the air movement to the busy life of growing plants and humming wildlife, I want to convey the energy and reassurance I feel when walking in the countryside. Even a walk in January when nothing seems to be going on, there is much to experience if you listen and observe. On a regular walk with my friend Laura there is a spot where an ancient hedgerow and a copse provides a sheltered spot to wood bathe! There is always something to see - from the empty woodpecker nests to the colours of the adjacent field. We can see what has changed since we last walked there and identify new plant growth or flowering. Sometimes it's just enough to listen to the breeze in the branches overhead.
"In the forest, there's no need to try to relax. Just go outside and Nature will work her magic to relax and restore you." Julia Plevin
During February I have been finding my way around my techniques on paper to pursue this goal of capturing that life force of nature.
Here are some of the results inspired by last year's walks and visits to the Suffolk and Yorkshire countryside:
I am really enjoying this work in the studio. Sometimes I film it and share a shortened video on social media. You can see the top left painting process here on Instagram.
As we are now moving into Spring, I am very much looking forward to the energy of the landscape transitioning from a winterscape to a scene full of flora and fauna. Already I have noticed the arrival of the noisy dawn chorus this month. Plant life is poking it's head above the ground, and buds on the bushes and trees are getting bigger. It's so exciting! With the warmth of the sun, it's getting more pleasant to be out and about walking, and to stand for longer to absorb the atmosphere.
Within the next couple of weeks I will be moving on to working on birchwood cradled panels again. I will also put some of the works on paper in my shop. They will be mounted and ready to frame. I will let you know when they are released.
Meanwhile, the studio is calling, so I must obey and get my painting hat on.
Spring is coming, so if you can, make some time to get out it a wild landscape near you!
Back soon!