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Writer's pictureDeborah Burrow

The Studio is in Filming Mode...

Updated: Nov 5, 2021

The news today is that the magic is flowing in the studio this month as I embark on creating new lessons to share online and online courses to be available this Autumn.

During July I had a break from studio life in general to recharge the creative batteries. Having a long break can be an interesting time. I started out feeling tired and very ready for a break. Then I started to feel some creative sparks that took me in the very calming direction of sewing. I made a modern patchwork cot quilt for my granddaughter. It was very therapeutic and even though there were frustrations, they were nothing to do with my normal activities, and I took it all in my stride! Once the quilt was finished, I felt ready to get back to the studio and get cracking.

Following on from launching 'Discover with Debs' in 2020, I felt it was time to make some more online lessons and develop some new courses. I've set up a dedicated space in the studio this year that I won't have to dismantle when I have finished, which will make life so much easier.

I am starting with 'Painting Birds in gouache on Kraft card'. When I have worked with art groups, this has been a two hour demonstration and a full day workshop. It has always been well received and enjoyed as a workshop because it is a bit different. It is inspired by the techniques used by artists such as JMW Turner, who used to pre-tint their sketchbooks with mid tones so that it made sketching quicker and more efficient. All that was then needed to sketch was black and white gouache paint or pastels to represent shadows and light. It can be very effective and quite dramatic when the full tonal range is used in the sketch. (I also think that starting with tinted paper can reduce the panic of the white blank canvas effect!).

During my month off I did keep my artist hand in by continuing with field trips, but I only took photos not my sketch book. Last weekend I spent some time in Orford, Suffolk, where I saw a lot of hares, a wren, a buzzard, lots of pigeons, swifts, crows and seagulls. But unfortunately they were either too far away or too fast for my camera, so I just drank in all the sights and sounds to add to my internal creative library!

I will be going out again soon with my sketching bag to capture some more landscapes and wildlife. Meanwhile, the studio is beckoning...

As always,

keep healthy and creative,



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